The USA Center for Disease Control (CDC) revised their stats for their national COVID-19 deaths from 65,000 to 37,308. TV News, and other “sources”, still show numbers to be 65,000 for USA. The number of COVID, pneumonia, and influenza deaths are all added to be a total of 90,000. The year prior shows the influenza death cases to be lower than the COVID-19 deaths with influenza being 34,200 in 2019, showing the incompetence of the USA CDC and their medieval fear-mongering ways to handle virus outbreaks.
May 1, 2020 Source Provisional Death Counts for Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19):
According to official CDC reports, during the 2018-2019 flu season there were 34,200 influenza-associated deaths. Now it turns out that the Flu and COVID did a switcharoo on the CDC data report for May 1st, 2020 data sheet showing that Influenza deaths alone are only 5,846, and COVID-19 is 37,308. This doesn’t add up or make any sense at all. You can see that they are using the influenza cases for the COVID cases because of the HUGE number decrease. Even Madonna said “I thought I had the flu” giving away the entire ploy putting it out in the open. They are using flu cases for “COVID” cases in cold and flu season.
Madonna Source:
37,000 – Coronavirus May 1, 2020
5,000 – Influenza May 1, 2020
0 – Coronavirus 2019
34k – Influenza 2019
CDC Flu 2018-2019 34,200 Deaths Source:
CDC 2018-2019
“Influenza activity in the United States during the 2018—201 9 season began to increase in November and remained at high levels for several weeks during January—February? Influenza A viruses were the predominant circulating viruses last year. While influenza A(H1 N1 pdm09) viruses predominated from October 2018 – mid February 2019, influenza A(H3N2) viruses were more commonly reported starting in late February 2019. Influenza B viruses were not commonly reported among circulating viruses during the 2018-2019 season. The season had moderate severity based on levels of outpatient influenza-like illness, hospitalizations rates, and proportions of pneumonia and influenza-associated deaths.”
“CDC estimates that the burden of illness during the 2018—2019 season included an estimated 35.5 million people getting sick with influenza, 16.5 million people going to a health care provider for their illness, 490,600 hospitalizations, and 34,200 deaths from influenza (Table 1). The number of influenza—associated illnesses that occurred last season was similar to the estimated number of influenza-associated illnesses during the 2012—2013 influenza season when an estimated 34 million people had symptomatic influenza illness.”
Sweden never shut down their economy, nor did they do a mandatory quarantine for common cold symptoms. This proves the inadequacy of the outdated medical establishments methods and “knowledge” which dictates “doctors” in “high positions” into manipulating society and what to do. This is insane, 30 million people lost their jobs and have filed for unemployment, mental health, and suicides are highly at risk; TV News is responsible for crushing lives over manipulating numbers, scientific prostitution, and fear over common cold symptoms. We destroyed the biggest economic boom in generations, and violated the basic human rights of hundreds of millions of people across the world. It was all worth it, small business was destroyed so that all the economy could be funneled into Walmart. Will this be ignored in the TV News like they ignore every medical doctor that was speaking against what was going on with the COVID-19 false positives? Or will they just keep Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci on 24-hour news surveillance giving their sermons on waiting for their miracle vaccine and everyone contradicting them as a “conspiracy theorist”?
As of May 2nd, 2020 the John Hopkins Center still shows the “COVID-19” deaths at 65,000. Lest we not forget that the CDC mandated for all hospitals and practitioners to markdown everyone for COVID and that they will recategorize everything later. What a shame and embarrassment this all is.
“NCHS will ask the states to follow up to verify whether or not the coronavirus was COVlD-19“
Source Link:
Read the other Article on the False Positive Mandates of the CDC here:
Report 2; March 24, 2020
Source Link:
Exact Orders: ”What happens if certifiers report terms other than the suggested terms?
“If a death certificate reports coronavirus without identifying a specific strain or explicitly specifying that it is not COVlD-19, NCHS will ask the states to follow up to verify whether or not the coronavirus was COVlD-19. As long as the phrase used indicates the 2019 coronavirus strain, NCHS expects to assign the new code. However, it is preferable and more straightforward for certifiers to use the standard terminology (COVlD-19).”
Bottom Paragraph Red Underline States: ”Should “COVID-19” be reported on the death certificate only with a confirmed test?
COVID-19 should be reported on the death certificate for all decedents where the disease caused or is assumed to have caused or contributed to death.”
All this to usher in the United Nations New World Order through fear, manipulation, and submission to vaccines, tracking, cashless society through TV News fear-mongering for a Nazi Regime Police State. If the government told the public to get into box cars to be taken to “Virus Protection Camps” there would be a stampede of people rushing to be first in line.
“New Normal” = New World Order
Source Yahoo Finance United Nations NWO March 19, 2020:
“Global citizens, we are in this together. At this critical time, there is no greater case for collective action than our joint response to COVID 19. I join United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres in solidarity with all who are affected by COVID 19. We are in this together and we will get through this together,” said Deputy Secretary General Amina J. Mohammed ahead of the 8th March 20, 2020, International Day Of Happiness.
“The #HAPPINESSFORALLTOGETHER March 20, 2020 International Day Of Happiness campaign theme, and the Ten Steps To Global Happiness call to action, is our call for global unity and togetherness, the most critical ingredients in winning the fight of all humanity against this global outbreak and pandemic of COVID 19 coronavirus. As my grandad said famously, ‘It always seems impossible until it’s done.’ Let us unite and work together to win this global fight, and to achieve the happiness, wellbeing, and freedom of all life on earth,” said Ndaba Mandela, UNAIDS Global Ambassador, Co-founder of the United Nations New World Order Project, and Chairman of the Mandela Institute for Humanity.
“In 2012, all 193 UN member states united together in solidarity by voting unanimously to adopt UN resolution 66281: International Day Of Happiness, in support of UN resolution 65309: Happiness: Toward A Holistic Approach To Development. The COVID 19 coronavirus is a threat to all humanity,
“The United Nations New World Order Project is a global, high-level initiative founded in 2008, and led by Jayme Illien, and Ndaba Mandela, to advance a new economic paradigm, and a new world order for humankind, which achieves the UN’s Global Goals for Sustainable Development by 2030, and the happiness, well-being, and freedom of all life on Earth by 2050.“
CDC Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Recount May 1st, 2020:
CDC Flu 2018-2019 34,200 Deaths
CDC “Follow Up to Verify” if was COVlD-19:
CDC False Positives Stack:
Yahoo Finance United Nations NWO March 19, 2020:
United Nations New World Order:
Madonna Had The Flu:
THANK YOU for being a voice of reason!!!